H Furniture Loom stool

H Furniture Loom stool - 1 H Furniture Loom stool - 2 H Furniture Loom stool - 3 H Furniture Loom stool - 4 H Furniture Loom stool - 5 H Furniture Loom stool - 6 H Furniture Loom stool - 7 H Furniture Loom stool - 8 H Furniture Loom stool - 9 H Furniture Loom stool - 10 H Furniture Loom stool - 11 H Furniture Loom stool - 12 H Furniture Loom stool - 13 H Furniture Loom stool - 14

H Furniture Loom stool


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H’s Loom collection has a very specific inspiration — a small manual belt-making loom discovered by chance in a textile museum in the city of Oaxaca in Mexico. The collection consists of a chair and a stool, which reinterpret the logic of the simple loom beams and the journey of each thread, playing with the idea of independent threads coming together to create a flat, woven surface. The woven areas use strong elastic polyester woven cord, which offers infinite possibilities, as each thread can be specified in a different color. The cord is stretched across the solid wood frame of the furniture, creating intriguing texture and pattern, both functional and decorative. Though the genesis of the collection is Mexican, the collection has clean lines and simple shapes that aim at a timeless beauty.

Designer: Hierve
Год выпуска:
Производитель: H Furniture
Единица измерения шт

О компании

  • ООО "Контракта" Комплексное оснащение интерьеров и офисных помещений
  • Контрактные поставки Мебель, освещение, сантехника, отделочные материалы, фурнитура

